Jo read my last post and burst into hysterics. She understood my irrational anger and I'm glad she laughed because then I laughed to and then suddenly the day didn't seem that bad. And it truely wasn't but I put myself in a state of pure anger that I couldn't/didn't want to get out of. I'm not usually an angry person, I can be impatient and sometimes sad but not usually angry. And if it is anger, then it's irrational anger. The best kind.
So I got to thinking about some of the things that set off my irrational anger fits. I can't stand hearing people eat loudly. Hannah is a chronice lip slapper when she eats, so much so that once at the dinner table, in her mother's house, that I was a guest at, I whipered to her like I was her mother, "Hannah, please eat with your mouth closed". Turns out I'm a shit whiperer and the whole table heard, thank god they thought I was being funny. But I wasn't, I was being serious. But my number one loudest eater would be Marcus. During a dvd his favourite treat of choice was a bag of original flavoured chips and my god he ate them loudly. My madness for this was of another kind and I would either dart him death stares or pause the dvd. The poor guy then started to slowly insert each chip and carefully crunch his teeth down. This took the madness away since it was the funniest thing to witness but I'm pretty certain I gave him a complex for eating chips.
I get mad sometimes when I'm at my desk listening to my ipod, daydreaming away and the lady next to me tries to get my attention. So I pause my song and she tells me that one of her legs is shorter than the other or asks me if I have ever cooked a roast. Really? Was that worth me pausing Jay-Z? In the middle of me getting all Brooklyn Gangster, I really don't need to know that your body is completely unbalanced. Irrational. Anger.
I'm trying to think of other things that set off my irrational anger. Nothing else is coming to mind. See, I'm not really an angry person. Just keep your mouth shut when eating and if you see my headphones in, don't interrupt me. Jokes. Jokes. Jokes.