December 2, 2009

You Suck.

This is no time to be writing a blog post. It's 2am and I am beyond being able to fall asleep due to a million thoughts racing through my head. This is also no time to jump on Facebook. My lack of sleep these days is no help for me to think rationally and I am this close to becoming passive aggressive via status update. Just like back in the days in the school yard when you'd shout petty things to your nemesis just to hit em' where it hurts even though it's completely immature.Sometimes you gotta take the high road. So what are my options? Log out of Facebook? Delete a few people? Sign out of Blogspot? Turn computer off? GO TO SLEEP? Because even though I'm tossing and turning in bed over thinking everything that has gone wrong and I'm becoming increasingly delirious and mad, I really shouldn't be writing publicly in this state, even if it makes me feel better. But then again, who cares? I'm not one to bottle my feelings up and being such an open person is a dangerous trait. I'll tell a stranger all my secrets. Instant trust could one day be my downfall. But so is Facebook yet I keep going back. Addiction is a bitch.

I fell asleep on the couch tonight while watching a Spanish zombie film yet I am unable to fall asleep in the quiet of my own bedroom. Seems the sound of Spanish zombies on a killing spree is a lot more soothing than any thoughts running through my head. Awesome.

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