For the last two days I've been trapped in Capeside. Well not technically, but I have been trapped inside my house (due to being awfully sick) sitting in front of the tv with endless Dawson's Creek dvds. Perhaps it was the fever but something inside of me wanted to relive my early teenage years and boy did I ever. Those Capeside kids are possibly the biggest drama noobs ever in the history of tv shows. But I loved them. And I secretly still do. But I still don't understand a word they're saying. They use about 5 different adjectives to describe every emotion. Dawson (who is a douche) was quoted as saying "once you've disposed your pleasantries you'll leave..". What the fuck does that mean??? No 16 year old talks like that! A boy/girl conversation at that age when talking about 'relationships' would consist of, "So what's up?", "nothin, wanna go out with me?", "oh yeah I spose", "cool", "cool". The End.
But don't get me wrong. They do go off the rails at times. Joey enjoyed one too many beers once. It resulted in her pretty much sober anyway by the end of the episode saying "I know, I know, I shouldn't use alcohol to solve my problems". Good girl Joey. And Andy did take Ecstasy once at a Rave! She collapsed and then decided that her 'troubles' had gotten too much so she flew away to Italy, leaving the show because she took one damn pill. Probably for the best. Drugs have no home in Capeside.
In all fairness though, this tv show got me through early high school and it did distract me from what ever illness held me captive all weekend. So thank you Capeside. Thank you to all your melodramatic and overly mature teenagers that deep down, I will always hold a candle for.
Andie did mix the pill with her antidepressants though.. Quite a lethal mix indeed!