I'm at home sick today. As awful as I feel, there's always a tiny bit of happiness when I realize I have to stay home on the couch all day. Three simple words. Day. Time. Tv. I'm a sucker for it. I did sadly sleep through the Kerry-Ann Show but I woke just in time for Dr Phil to begin. The show's subject for the day : Is it over? couples heading for divorce. Riveting piece of TV. A guest Psychiatrist actually said this line, "Jason forgetting the cheese is classic ADD". It was at this point that I switched the channel over to watch Ellen. I won't go too much into Ellen just yet as she had the endearing Drew Barrymore on the show which I want to write about later in another post. Then it was time for Oprah. Oh dear Oprah. I'm not sure what it is about this woman that I just love. Perhaps it's because she is the only woman in the world who can make a room full of women, and sometimes men, scream histerics when presented with a microwave or even tupperware. Power. Today her guest was David Cassidy. Given my age, I really didn't know who this guy was but I soon learnt he was of course Keith Partridge from the cult 70's show, The Partridge Family. More fans than Elvis or the Beatles, this guy was the ultimate teen idol. And what a babe! I would have definately bought a lunch box with his face on it if i were around in those days. It was funny to see all these middle aged women in the audience, who once fantasied about marrying this man, holding up vinyls with his face on it, dancing and singing to every note he belted out. And boy did he love it! It got me thinking, will I one day be holding up posters and dancing to my idol, Alex Turner by the way, 30 years from now as my children ask, "Who the heck is Alex Turner mum?". But they don't make teen idols like they did back then so I'll continue to daydream of David Cassidy circa 1970's. Not nowadays. Now he's old.
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