Today's date is making me cringe with frustration and guilt every time I write it down. Which seems to be a lot today. September the 8th. TAFE applications are due in on the 30th of September and I have done nothing for it. No folio. No application. Nothing. I guess it's the fear that I won't produce anything good that is stopping me. I've been drawing but what I really need is a story and that is proving a lot more difficult than I thought. I was so much more ambitious as a child. I would sit holed up in my room for hours thinking up adventure stories and drawing gardens filled with fairies covered in glitter. I once collaged my entire bedroom door in pictures that I loved and notes that I'd kept. Where did that creativeness go? I know. It's been lost in hazy nights out that spilled over the course of three days (usually) and then pushed to the side on days to catch up on sleep and facebook procastiation. Before beer, wine and facebook I was a good kid. A creative kid. And now all I want to do is shut myself in my room with my glitter and notepad and bring back that ambition, just like a little Jen once upon a time did.
great post.