I'm stuck in some sort of Limbo. It's possibly the worst place to ever be in. You haven't quite reached that happiness you're fighting for but you also haven't fallen completely rock botttom. Stuck in the middle and confused as all hell. Every next move you make is crucial to which direction you'll go next. Again, it's the worst. I'm fairly certain about what I want but it takes two (in my case anyway) to really gain that happy outcome. Being a very impatient person at times, I'm getting very ancy being stuck in Limbo. If Heaven is a cool place and Hell a hot place, then what temperature is Limbo? An average of 25 degrees? Slightly cloudy with the possiblity of rain? Do I carry an umberella or not? A jacket perhaps?! Bloody hell, the confusion you find yourself in Limbo is enough to throw yourself off a bridge! Erm, well perhaps not that drastic but ya know what I mean, it's frustrating. But like all great things, they take time. Time and patience and I reckon a light cardigan will suffice.
I hope limbo passes. But it's a cute piece, and your cardigan will do, but I'm sure the sun with be shining brightly soon!