November 23, 2009

Rage Virus.

I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Infact, I woke up to find a message, four little words, that ruined me before I had even wiped the sleep from my eyes. I stared at it for a moment, trying to make it less signifigant before dragging myself downstairs to the shower. Fuck. It's Monday morning and I wasn't prepared to start my day off like that. Then, things just didn't get any better. My tram was almost 20 minutes late in turn making me miss my train. Connex, you're a bitch and I hate you. I finally make it into work and start eating my breakfast, Janal (or whatever fancy European name it's called) Berry Yoghurt only to find it littered in disgusting chunks making it look like baby's vomit and tasting like ass. I ate most of it, cringing with every spoonful before I finally stopped being in denial that I was most likely eating expired yoghurt. And then, the people at work couldn't possibly annoy me any more. All morning it's been, "How was your weekend? What'd ya do? Where'd ya go? Who'd ya see? Nice weather huh? Blah blah blah". For fuck, firstly it's none of your business and secondly stop talking to me. And then I was given work to do with no instructions on it whatsoever. I'm not a fucking mind reader dude. To top off an already shitty morning, I was forced to phone Bigpond. I fucking hate Bigpond!!! Cancel my account, please let's never communicate again and...... I hate you.

It's not even one o'clock but I have little hope of my day improving. I'm like a grumpy old man shaking his fist at the world. I have however managed to force out some fake smiles and friendly "hellos", I don't think I'm fooling anyone though. In the middle of typing this, a guy at work stopped me to ask if I've seen New Moon. You asked the right question man. My eyes lit up and I smiled for reals. There's nothing more I love than talking about the Twilight Saga. Isn't it funny how one little thing can either make or break you. And how much of a baby I'm being. I'm staying at Jo and Charlie's tonight, once there I'm sure I'll feel better after they laugh at how ridiculous I'm being and tell me to shut up.

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