The 5th of January. I dreaded today, I even almost wanted to take the day off work to hide under my doona all day and cry. But to be honest, I'm handling it all a lot better than I thought I would. Although I plan on surrounding myself with family and friends tonight to ease the pain. I still remember this day three years ago. Funny story actually. I had gone out the night before and drank myself into a well mess. I woke up in Hannah's apartment only wearing a tiny blue peticoat. Something didn't feel right. After a big night out I always check that I have my belongings because chances that I have lost something are usually pretty high. Yep, it was one of those nights. Passport, telephone and camera, all gone. Thank god I had Hannah's house keys. I raced down the street to Alex's house, still wearing nothing but a tiny blue peticoat, hoping he could help me out. He wasn't much better off than me so figuring out what happened the night before was making my head spin. Long story short....I fell over quite alot causing massive carpet burns to the kneecaps, my friend Andy helped me home and put my phone in the letterbox, the passport was found near Dylan's computer (no doubt trying to check my Myspace when I got home) but the camera was long gone. I was a wreck. I hadn't felt that hung over in a long time. No, actually that's a lie, I was going out a lot in those days.
I spent all day feeling sorry for myself until Hannah called me and invited me over to Will's brother's house where he was house sitting. They drove over and picked me up, gave me a hug and reassured me that everything would be okay. The hang over subsided. And then I met him. Safe to say, I wasn't looking my best. I had those hung over, glazed eyes, my kneecaps were speckled with blood and I didn't wash my hair as I was going for that 'bed head' look. I said "Hello" and he said "Oh my god Jen! What happened to your knees!!!???". The night entailed smoking too much weed in the heat, stealing garden gnomes, rearranging people's gardens, playing in the park, eating Thai Beef Salad, dancing with sparklers and watching Donnie Darko with a kiss. And as the famous saying goes, the rest is history.
I look back fondly and smile with watery eyes. Don't be sad it's over. Be happy that it happened.
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